Dermatitis Treatment Near West Omaha
Dermatitis is a common condition that causes inflammation and redness of the skin. Among the types of dermatitis a person can experience is eczema. Eczema is a skin condition in which someone experiences rash-like conditions. While there is a large number of nonprescription treatments for rashes, it is important to know the type and reason for your rash to treat it effectively. Our board-certified dermatologists at MOD Dermatology will evaluate the affected area and can provide specialized dermatitis treatment near West Omaha.
MOD Dermatology provides clients in West Omaha with eczema therapy for skin rashes that help to reduce their symptoms. Our specialists treat a wide range of dermatitis, including shingles, drug eruptions, herpes labialis, and more. Call MOD Dermatology today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tina Kinsley or Amanda Hotovy, Physician Assistant.

Available West Omaha Therapy for Skin Rashes and Dermatitis Treatments
Our office is equipped with the latest technology and products to treat the many types of rashes, including:
- Cutaneous lupus, including discoid lupus, subacute cutaneous lupus, lupus panniculitis
- Bullous pemphigoid, pemphigus vulgaris, and other autoimmune blistering diseases
- Dermatomyositis
- Lichen planus
- Morphea and Scleroderma
- Graft vs. Host Disease
- Drug Eruptions
- Erythema Multiforme
- Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
- Shingles
- Herpes Labialis
What is Dermatitis?
The general term dermatitis refers to a variety of rash types. Those who experience any type of dermatitis typically have rashes that are itchy, dry, red, sore, scale-like or have blisters. The cause of skin rashes varies from bacterial infections and viruses to allergic reactions.
Depending on the type of dermatitis you are experiencing, treatment will vary. This is why having your rash evaluated by a certified dermatologist is important to creating a specific treatment strategy.
The different types of dermatitis:
Atopic dermatitis is the most common form of eczema. This long-lasting skin condition is characterized by skin that is inflamed, red, and often itchy. It typically starts to develop as a red rash in infancy and childhood and sometimes goes away on its own. However, when continuing into later years, this condition shows up as a dark, scale-like rash.
Atopic dermatitis can affect a person’s quality of life. Excessive itchiness can prevent sleep and lead to possible infection. While the exact cause isn’t known, a person's chances are higher of developing this skin disease if they have a family history, an overactive immune system, or are exposed to certain environmental factors such as tobacco smoke and air pollutants.
Contact dermatitis is a rash that comes about due to contact with a substance that irritates your skin. The area can become inflamed with crusty or scaly skin. Those who are in daily contact with chemicals are more susceptible to contact dermatitis. Irritant contact dermatitis is caused when skin cells are damaged due to contact with products such as detergents, bleach, soaps, and nickel-containing items. Allergic contact dermatitis is when an allergic reaction is caused due to exposure to substances such as poison ivy, poison oak, nail polish, and fragrances.
Dyshidrotic eczema causes small blisters on the palms of hands, soles of feet, and edges of fingers and toes. Symptoms are most commonly seen in flare-ups that come and go. Triggers such as certain metals, stress, seasonal allergies, and hot and humid weather can cause this skin condition. The eczema therapy that is used to treat dyshidrotic eczema typically includes topical corticosteroids and cool compression.
Nummular dermatitis involves oval rashes that appear on the arms, legs, torso, or hands. These small patches can over time form together to create bigger lesions ranging from 1 inch to over 4 inches. Often, the affected area itches and may start oozing or develop a crust. Triggers for this condition include dry and sensitive skin or trauma to the area due to bug bites, an injury, or chemical burns. The treatment involves topical corticosteroids and antibiotics.
In its mildest form, seborrheic dermatitis is also known as dandruff. This common skin issue causes scaly patches on the scalp. Cradle cap is a common term when seborrheic dermatitis is found in infants. It also may affect other oily areas such as the face, nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids, and chest. Itchiness may occur and a rash starts to form. Symptoms start to flare up with added stress, fatigue, and changes in seasons.
Stasis dermatitis causes inflammation in the lower legs. This is due to a lack of blood flow, which can cause fluid to pool up in the calf, ankle, and feet. The skin can become sensitive and it starts to hurt when you stand or walk. Varicose or spider veins may appear and the skin become dry, itchy, and irritated. By elevating your legs and exercising regularly, you can help to improve blood flow. If you start to notice changes in the overlying skin, contact our certified dermatologists to schedule an evaluation.
Get Dermatitis Treatment in West Omaha
MOD Dermatology offers a variety of therapies for skin rashes and dermatitis in West Omaha. Once our dermatologists evaluate your skin, we will create a unique treatment plan to minimize symptoms and restore your quality of life. Call our office today to schedule a consultation!