Shingles Symptoms,  Diagnosis, & Treatment in Omaha

Shingles is a viral infection that can start as a fever, chills, or even extreme fatigue. After a few days, it usually results in a distressing, aching rash. The rash will often resemble a band of red dots that form in clusters. Usually, they will appear on one side of the body, but they can be on both sides. Those spots become painful blisters in 7-10 days and are generally cleared up in 2-4 weeks. 

Shingles is caused by the virus that also causes chickenpox. Once you have suffered through chickenpox, even as a child, the virus remains dormant in your body but can reactivate later in life as shingles.

Recognizing Shingles Symptoms in Omaha

Early diagnosis and shingles treatment are essential for managing the condition and minimizing complications. At MOD Dermatology,  the experienced dermatologists and rash experts at our Omaha clinic can accurately diagnose shingles and provide effective treatment options. Here are some common shingles symptoms our Omaha patients should watch out for:

Common Shingles Symptoms

  • Pain, burning, or tingling: This is often the first sign of shingles. You might feel it in a specific area on one side of your body before a rash appears.
  • Rash: A few days after the first symptoms, a red rash will appear. Then, the spots will become fluid-filled blisters. The rash often forms a patch around one side of your torso.
  • Itching: The rash can be very itchy.
  • Other symptoms: Some people with shingles also experience fever, headache, chills, and upset stomach.

Shingles Diagnosis and Shingles Treatment in Omaha

If you suspect you have shingles, it's important to see a dermatologist for shingles diagnosis and treatment in Omaha as soon as possible. Early treatment can help decrease the length of the illness and reduce the risk of complications.

Don't Wait, Seek Help Today

If you're experiencing shingles symptoms in Omaha, don't hesitate to contact MOD Dermatology.  The skin and rash experts at our Omaha clinic can provide an accurate shingles diagnosis and will create a personalized treatment plan to help you manage your symptoms and get back to feeling your best.